NDL 인증카드
After completion of any course the certified student will received the certification card.
The front side of the card contains:
1. Information about level of certification
2. NDL Logo
3. NDL slogan - "Diving Lege Artis"
4. NDL website
5. Some cards (NDL Novice Diver, NDL Diver, NDL Divemaster, NDL Instructor 1Rank,
and NDL Instructor 2 Rank) contain information about EUF certifications
The back side of the card contain:
1. Students photo
2. Students name
3. NDL students number
4. Student birthrate
5. Date of certification
6. Certified Instructor number
7. Certified Instructor name
8. QR cod
9. Information that this diver is graduated according to the standards of
NDL certification level
Before 2013
•Students photo
•Students name
•NDL students number
•Student birthrate
•Date of certification
•Certified Instructor number
•Certified Instructor name
•NDL Logo
•Information that this diver is graduated according to the standards of
NDL certification level